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July 12, at 8: About us Contact us Subscribe Advertise. Ko handiti iye Agatha wacho inzvarakamwe here? Married to Reverend Gwinyai Ndembera, the gospel artiste said balancing her roles at home and her career was a challenge at first, but she was now coping, sailing and enjoying all the roles as her husband gives her support in all endeavours. Anonymous October 4, at 2: agatha murudzwa press on

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They may fly out of the cuntry and live somewhere else and that case falls away. July 13, at 9: Maybe someone can explain what sexual immorality means if it only dwells on adultery then alas you need to catch the person red handed but it is rare to do so the behaviour of your wife when she is into it shows that she is sexually immoral. Muchenjere kuti naMurudzwa muchatadza murudza futi.

Agartha Murudzwa - Press On

Hatifambi takanyorwa kuti we are married do we. Although it is yet to be clarified, the marital bliss could soon be over as Ndembera is likely to be charged with bigamy. Murudzwa uchinyanya, wakatiza church yako ukaenda kuneimwe. African agqtha delights Tavarwisa.

agatha murudzwa press on

Why the did it secretly it is because they wanted legalize their sin. Kutonga kwaMwari wakuona here. Kuimba gospel ibasa rinenge mamwe ese agatna haisi mhosva. I wish Agatha all the best in her marriage.

Press On () | Agartha Murudzwa | MP3 Downloads | 7digital United States

Zim elections declared not free and fair even before poll day. Vakomana vekuchurch tarisaiwo masister kuitira vasikana vakura vasazopinde mutsaona yekuda vakaroora. Marriage is a spiritual bond and no one has the power to break it under what circumstances.

July 13, at July 12, at 3: Fatima pupils lose laptops, uniforms to thieves. July 11, at 7: Farewell Robert Gabriel Mugabe.

God has been there for me says Agatha Murudzwa

Zimbabwe needs a new, better, focused leadershipAMHVoices: Ukaona mukadzi akutanga kusa ku respecta kukudeerera surely those are signs of sexual immorality and because you have not caught her red handed means you live a miserable life because of this bible teaching. Just let it go. Adzo July 12, at Murudzwa, who was born and raised in Mutare, began recording in and has nine albums to date. Mnangagwa urges increased Zim, Chinese business linkages.

That is the problem with certifying a marriage, you certify an unworking relatonship and it ends up like this.

agatha murudzwa press on

Married to Reverend Gwinyai Ndembera, the gospel artiste said balancing her roles at home and her career was a challenge at first, but she was now coping, sailing and enjoying all the roles as her husband gives her support in all endeavours.

New Bosso coach eyes winning start against DeMbare newsday September 28, Mufundisi igororo Church yemagororo Iye wacho igororo…… Latest album is good though. You may have a certificate but if the man does not live you anymore just let it go and live a peaceful life Maphosa.

Subscribe to The Standard now Subscribe. Why married manwhy secret wedding Singing: She is thankful to the Lord that as a female artiste, she has managed to penetrate the male-dominated industry. The songstress lamented the advent of music piracy saying they were now relying on revenue from live shows to keep her band afloat. Zim teams impress in CAF competitions newsday September 28, Chidzidzo July 14, at 6:

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