Wednesday, November 27, 2019


If you threw her into the gutter, she would just sit there until he asked her to get up. The next morning when I went for the darshan of the Swami, He called me, who was sitting somewhere behind the audience, made me sit by His side and asked me with a laughter of an Innocent child: Krishnamoorthy asked Bhagavan to give him a photo of Bhagavan. Supported on Mani's arm, the beggar suddenly began to pick up the pace of his movement, until he was fully running. He started composing many poems in this way in the Divine presence of Yogi Ramsuratkumar. As they were too precious to be lost, audio recorders were arranged to capture these extempore poems. yogi ramsuratkumar songs

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Organisations – Yogi Ramsuratkumar Namalayam – Karur – Yogi Ramsuratkumaram Vande

The "Eternal Slave" announcement, together with Rangaraj editorial, were not received with the same enthusiasm by all. They are still being carried out with full vigor even after his demise. When a devotee approached the master for help, narrating that the doctors had forbidden him any spicy food for several years, as a result of a digestive problem, Yogi Ramsuratkumar laughed and replied, "Good, we are going to eat some.

In his childhood, he loved very much to meet the yogis and monks.

For seven years [from Dec. Her keen observation and constant surveillance of the Godchild's every gesture and every word over the years during which Yogi Ramsuratkumar was still in the body, afford an invaluable legacy to devotees about the ways and means whereby the Divine intersected with humanity through this beggar.

We have, just completed pooja in the Dakshinamurthy temple and are on our way to perambulate the Sacred Hill.

yogi ramsuratkumar songs

Fully rsmsuratkumar of where her questions were headed, Yogi Ramsuratkumar firmly warned her that any further discussion and "she could expect never to be allowed into his satsang again.

Purushottam on the Kanjira. On the second Saturday of every month, the devotees will gather and do japa and mantra chantings and meditation.

yogi ramsuratkumar songs

From the earliest years, Yogi Ramsuratkumar enjoined men and women visitors to "sing the praise of their respective gurus. Ramsurat,umar a devotee of J. Who can He be other than the All-pervasive Ultimate Reality!

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Even as early as the s, other devotees had been shocked to see their master place his head on the ground as a gesture of respect to others. Varadarajan on the Violin, Sri K. The position she was put into was not of her asking, not of her seeking, and so she just said: By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. I was able to understand what had happened to me only when once again anger, weaknesses, pleasure, disappointment, inefficiency etc.

That gentleman would not prostrate before this beggar, but it is not difficult for this beggar to fall at his feet.

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I have many times observed Bhagavan prostrating to devotees who do so at His feet. Ja on Yogi Ramsuratkumar. Serving Him became her one goal in life, when some understanding of the Yogi's ways and work ever so slowly was revealed to her. If you put a crown on her head, she would just sit quietly and accept it.

The editorial further drew a parallel to the dedication of Miss Margaret Noble later named Sister Niveditawhose life was entrusted completely to support the work of the great Indian saint, Swami Vivekananda.

Whatever happened to her it just happened -- she was not an actor, not a ramsuratkumqr in that at all. We are happy to see you. Swami Ramdas initiated him into the holy mantra: I don't think she could have become proud, arrogant, queenly or possessive, or wanting fame or name.

Little did Devaki realise that her prayers before Ramana Maharishi were being answered instantly.

A first encounter with Yogi Ramsuratkumar

Within a week, Yogi Ramsuratkumar's strength was returning. You might as well forget her for she has gone where there is no return.

Every day, in the morning and evening, prayer is done with the chanting of Ramnam and Yogi Namam ramsurafkumar with the rendering of the songs written by Sri Balakumaran. Meenakshisundaranar is a very fortunate person. Vijayalakshmi, one of the Sudama sisters, recounted that Bhagwan explained that this "eternal slave" had been sent by "His Father to help this beggar in all his work. Chanting, daily Yogi Ramsuratkumar puja, meditation, talks, seminars, retreats.

This includes the chanting of the Vedas, Upanishads, respectful feeding of the Brahmins, and honoring the Brahmins with gifts. He was very much attracted by Yogi Ramsuratkumar and he started visiting Yogi Ramsuratkumar often.

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